Privacy Policy

Information about Us

– We are Really Wicked Accountants, located at 77 Victoria Road, Cambridge, CB4 3BW, with a company number of 01223 576006, and registration location in England.

Contact Information

For more details, please refer to our “contact us” page or the website’s footer.

Your Data

Data Collection

We collect personal information only when users complete forms on the website, including contact and website registration forms.

We utilize “cookie” technology to enhance your online experience and enable access to the website’s full service.

How Data is Collected

Each visit or interaction with our emails may automatically collect technical information, including IP addresses, login information, browser details, and more.

– Information about your website visits and email interactions is recorded.

We may create a digital data profile using publicly available information from sources such as social media and third-party sources.

Data from Other Sources

Information about you may be obtained if you use other websites operated by us or our group companies.

We collaborate with third parties, including business partners, subcontractors, and telemarketing companies, and may receive information from them with your consent.

Using Your Data

We process your data due to legal obligations, contract performance, or legitimate interests. When consent is required, we will seek it explicitly.

If we change how we use personal information, we will notify users and provide the option to consent or not.

Data Security & Storage

We take precautions to protect user information and store it on secure servers within the European Economic Area (EEA).

Sensitive information submitted through the registration form is encrypted using industry-standard SSL.

Our primary hosting provider is ISO 27001 certified.

While we make reasonable efforts to safeguard your data, we cannot guarantee complete internet security.


We retain personal information for the purposes it was collected or as required by legal and regulatory obligations.


We may send you information about our products and services if you’ve agreed to receive marketing, but you can opt out at any time.

You have the right to stop us from contacting you for marketing purposes.

Your Data Protection Rights

You have various data protection rights, including access, rectification, erasure, data portability, and more. You can request these rights by emailing


We do not knowingly collect personal data from anyone under the age of 13. If a child under 13 discloses personal information, we will take appropriate measures.

Privacy Policies on Other Websites

Links to other websites are not governed by our privacy statement. Please read the privacy policies of those websites for privacy assurance.

Changes to Our Privacy Policy

Any changes to our privacy policy will be posted on this page to keep users informed.

Last updated on 30th September 2021

How to Contact Us

If you have questions about our privacy policy, contact us via email at, by phone at 01223 576006, or by mail at 77 Victoria Road, Cambridge, CB4 3BW,

Contacting Appropriate Authorities

If you need to report a complaint or feel your concerns haven’t been addressed satisfactorily, you can contact the Information Commissioner’s Office. Details are available at

What are Cookies?

– Cookies are small text files that store information on your device, helping websites function, improve security, provide a better user experience, and analyze website performance.

How do We Use Cookies?

– Our website uses first-party and third-party cookies to enhance user experience, analyze performance, secure services, deliver relevant ads, and improve future interactions.

You can change your cookie preferences by revisiting the cookie consent banner.

In addition, each browser provides methods to manage and delete cookies. Check the links below for instructions on major web browsers:




Internet Explorer:

For other browsers, consult the browser’s official support documents.